National Transmission Network Development Plan

The National Transmission Network Development Plan (NTNDP) provides an independent, strategic view of the efficient development of the National Electricity Market (NEM) transmission grid over a 20-year planning horizon.

AEMO publishes the annual NTNDP as part of its role as national transmission planner under the National Electricity Law, in accordance with clause 5.20.2 of the National Electricity Rules. 

2018 NTNDP

In June 2018, AEMO published the first Integrated System Plan (ISP), which met the requirements of a National Transmission Network Development Plan (NTNDP) and provided a strategic plan for the development of the power system. The 2018 NTNDP builds on the ISP, assesses the short-term system adequacy of the national transmission grid over the next five years and reports on the implementation of the ISP. The 2018 NTNDP:

  • Gives an update on the implementation of the ISP.
  • Provides an assessment of the short-term power system adequacy of the NEM, and identifies whether Network Support and Control Ancillary Services (NSCAS) are required in the next five years.
  • Identifies a minimum inertia shortfall in South Australia.

The 2018 NTNDP includes:

2018 Integrated System Plan

AEMO has prepared an inaugural Integrated System Plan (ISP) for the NEM. The ISP was recommended by the Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market (Finkel Review).

As the ISP’s purpose and scope encompass those which would normally be covered in AEMO’s National Transmission Network Development Plan (NTNDP), the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has permitted AEMO to defer the release of the 2017 NTNDP and integrate it into the ISP.

2017 NTNDP in development

AEMO began the 2017 NTNDP process by launching a consultation period on 31 January 2017 that included:

AEMO prepared this Consultation paper to:

  • Seek feedback from stakeholders on the 2016 NTNDP.
  • Provide information and seek submissions on considerations for the 2017 NTNDP, including:
    • Material issues to be addressed in the planning scenarios.
    • Proposed inputs and modelling methodology considerations.


Stage 1 submissions

2016 NTNDP

Published on 13 October 2017, the Second Update to the 2016 NTNDP:

  • Withdraws the NSCAS gap for system strength in South Australia declared on 13 September 2017, and declares a new system strength NSCAS gap. This permits a new framework to be utilised to provide system strength in accordance with clause 11.101.6 of the National Electricity Rules

Published on 13 September 2017, the Update to the 2016 NTNDP:

  • Confirms that the Network Support and Control Ancillary Service (NSCAS) gap identified in the 2016 NTNDP exists now, and provides details about the NSCAS gap size and trigger date.

Published on 12 December, the 2016 NTNDP:

  • Highlights the importance of strategically assessing the future needs of the NEM transmission grid.
  • Provides an assessment of an appropriate course for the efficient development of the national transmission grid under a range of scenarios.
  • Reflects on the evolution of transmission network development, with the industry entering a new era for transmission planning.
  • Examines how the changing generation mix could impact network development, power system security, and the utilisation of major transmission lines in the next 20 years.
  • Proposes a range of possible solutions to effectively and economically manage the changing expectations placed on the power system into the future.
  • Identifies whether further Network Support and Control Ancillary Services (NSCAS) are required to manage power system security and reliability in the next five years.


The 2016 NTNDP publication material includes:


Stakeholder engagement for the 2016 NTNDP

AEMO received stakeholder input to the planning process for the 2016 NTNDP in two ways:

  1. Through a formal consultation process, in accordance with clause 5.20.1 of the National Electricity Rules.
  2. Through the NTNDP Technical Working Group.

In January 2016 AEMO published a Consultation Paper for the NTNDP to begin the formal consultation process consultation:

In February 2016 AEMO held an open-invite workshop to discuss the 2016 Consultation paper. The minutes from this workshop are published below:

AEMO subsequently received four written submissions to this Consultation paper, from:

In August 2016 AEMO published its response to consultation, outlining how it will take into account the material points raised in the submissions and the Consultation workshop when preparing the 2016 NTNDP.

In September 2016, AEMO received a late consultation submission from AusNet Services supporting a Victorian Solution for South Australia’s Energy Transformation.

AEMO has addressed this submission in the 2016 NTNDP report.

2015 NTNDP
2014 NTNDP 2013 NTNDP 2012 NTNDP 2011 NTNDP
2010 NTNDP

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) published its inaugural National Transmission Network Development Plan (NTNDP) on 15 December 2010.

The NTNDP is an independent strategic plan for the National Electricity Market transmission network. In this plan AEMO explores a wide range of scenarios to determine potential electricity transmission impacts. The scenarios are based on several drivers, the two most prominent being demand growth and carbon price. The NTNDP aims to provide the energy industry with a comprehensive information source to enable dialogue and support the development of a responsive transmission network.

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