Our members

AEMO’s membership is split between government (60%) and industry (40%). This page explains their role, lists current members and describes how to apply for membership.

AEMO members

AEMO’s government and industry members are listed in the following documents.

The role of members

In addition to their involvement in stakeholder consultations, working groups and forums, our members may attend and vote at general meetings.

They are also closely involved in the appointment of directors, including determining whether the selection panel’s recommendations are submitted to the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council.

Apply for membership

For details on eligibility and process, see the AEMO membership application guidance notes.

What you need to apply

To apply for membership, you simply need to be eligible and to complete the relevant registration form.

Application process

  1. Confirm eligibility

    Review the membership application guidance notes to confirm your organisation’s eligibility for membership.

  2. Complete application form

    Complete either the industry or government application form, as relevant. By completing an application form, you agree to be bound by the AEMO Constitution, so please read this carefully before submitting your application.

  3. Submit application form

    Mail or email the completed form to the Company Secretary at the address supplied on the form.

  4. Review by AEMO

    For industry membership applications, the directors of AEMO will consider the application and determine whether to accept or reject the application.

  5. Notice of decision

    After making this decision, AEMO will notify the applicant as to whether their application was accepted or rejected.

  6. Admittance as member

    The applicant is accepted as a member when its application is accepted by the directors of AEMO. There are no fees or charges for membership in AEMO.

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