Stage 1 - Pre-feasibility

Connection Enquiry Fee Increase

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 This stage is optional, as the National Electricity Rules do not require Connection Applicants to follow this stage. 

You are encouraged to explore the feasibility of your project and begin discussions with AEMO Victorian Planning and Connections, landowners, and relevant government authorities at the initial stages of development. 
We can provide applicants with information about connections, including: 

  • Explanation of the connection process and the regulatory framework. 
  • Indicative timeline and cost for the connection of your project. 
  • High-level technical information. 
  • Information that may be useful when evaluating your connection location.
  • To provide necessary transmission network data upon request, for more information Data Provision.

You should discuss with us the proposed location of your installation and where you would like to connect to the transmission network. You should also explore land and land-use planning implications to avoid delays.


  For more information, you can email:

  Victorian transmission connection Email us



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