New Cyber Security Roles and Responsibilities for AEMO - Declared NEM Project

Market National Electricity Market
StageDiscussion Paper
ConvenorAEMO NEM
Accepting submissions?Yes
Submissions close04/03/2025

This notice informs all Registered Participants and interested parties (Consulted Persons) that AEMO is conducting a consultation on:

    • Part A whether the AEMO cyber security roles and responsibilities described in the National Electricity Amendment (Cyber security roles and responsibilities) Rule 2024 (the Rule) should be determined by AEMO to be a declared National Electricity Market (NEM) project, and
    • Part B – if those AEMO cyber security roles and responsibilities are determined to be a declared NEM project, the determination of the structure of an additional Participant fee to be used to recover the costs associated with those cyber security roles and responsibilities until the next general determination of NEM Participant fees.

This consultation is being conducted under clause 2.11 of the National Electricity Rules (NER), in accordance with the Rules consultation requirements detailed in rule 8.9 of the NER. 

Matters under Consultation 

The matters for consultation are:

    • whether the AEMO cyber security roles and responsibilities described in the National Electricity Amendment (Cyber security roles and responsibilities) Rule 2024 should be determined by AEMO to be a declared NEM project. 
    • if those AEMO cyber security roles and responsibilities are determined to be a declared NEM project, the determination of the structure of an additional Participant fee to be used to recover the costs associated with those cyber security roles and responsibilities, including the Registered Participants that will be charged the fee, as well as the start date for recovery and the period or periods over which recovery will occur.

Further details are provided in the Consultation Paper published with this notice.

Stakeholders should note that, as the Rule does not apply at this stage to AEMO’s roles and responsibilities for the national gas system under the National Gas Rules (NGR) or Western Australian markets, this consultation only considers the impact of the Rule on NEM participants.

The Consultation Process 

The consultation process is outlined below. Dates are indicative only and subject to change. Should any changes be required to the timeframes below, AEMO will communicate this to stakeholders as necessary.

Process stage

 Indicative date

Closing date for submissions in response to this Notice and Consultation Paper

Tuesday 4 March 2025

Publication of Draft Report and Determination

Tuesday 15 April 2025 (at the earliest)

Closing date for submissions in response to the Draft Report

Friday 16 May 2025

 Publication of Final Report and Determination

By Monday 30 June 2025

Invitation to Make Submissions

AEMO invites written submissions on the matters under consultation, including any alternative or additional proposals you consider may better meet the objectives of this consultation and the national electricity objective in section 7 of the National Electricity Law.


In your submission, you may request a meeting with AEMO to discuss the matters under consultation, stating why you consider a meeting is necessary or desirable.

If appropriate, meetings may be held jointly with other Consulted Persons. Subject to confidentiality restrictions, AEMO will generally make details of matters discussed at a meeting available to other Consulted Persons, and may publish them.

Closing Date and Time

Submissions in response to this Notice of First Stage of Rules Consultation should be sent by email to, to reach AEMO by 5.00pm (AEDT) on 4 March 2025.

All submissions must be forwarded in electronic format (both pdf and Word). Please send any queries about this consultation to the same email address.

Submissions received after the closing date and time will not be valid, and AEMO is not obliged to consider them. Any late submissions should explain the reason for lateness and the detriment to you if AEMO does not consider your submission.


Submissions will be published, other than confidential material, as per AEMO’s Consultation submission guidelines.

Please identify any parts of your submission that you wish to remain confidential, and explain why. AEMO may still publish that information if it does not consider it to be confidential, but will consult with you before doing so.

Respondents should also note that if material identified as confidential cannot be shared and validated with other stakeholders then it may be accorded less weight in AEMO’s decision making process than published material.

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