Reports and project updates

Western Renewables Link report cover 

Western Renewables Link (WRL) 500kV Market Benefits

AEMO engaged Ernst and Young to undertake market modelling to calculate the forecast gross market benefits of the Western Renewables Link (WRL) 500 kV Uprate Option, without the addition of the Victoria to New South Wales Interconnector West (VNI West). This modelling has been undertaken to support the preparation of the WRL Environment Effects Statement (EES) which is required to assess potential economic effects of the WRL Project.

On 22 August 2023, the Minister for Planning determined that AusNet Transmission Group Pty Ltd is required to prepare an EES under the Environment Effects Act 1978 to assess the potential environment effects of the project. The EES is scheduled to be finalised and submitted to the Department of Transport and Planning in 2024.

WRL Market Modelling Outcomes Workbook


Western Renewables Link project - analysis conducted under the National Electricity Rules.

Since the Western Victoria PACR was published in 2019, there have been material changes that could impact market benefits for the Western Renewables Link (formerly Western Victoria Transmission Project). In accordance with the National Electricity Rules, AEMO has undertaken further analysis to determine if these changes in circumstances mean the option in the PACR with the highest net economic benefits (Option C2) is still the preferred option. The analysis shows that, of the two options assessed in the Western Victoria PACR, Option C2 continues to deliver the highest net economic benefits. The reports outlines the reasons for reaching this conclusion.

Western VIC PACR Thumbnail 

The Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR) (1.86MB, pdf) is the third and final report in the Western Victoria RIT-T process.

It is the culmination of more than two years’ investigation by AEMO, including market modelling and broad stakeholder consultation, to identify the transmission investment option for Western Victoria that maximises the net economic benefit to all those who produce, consume or transport electricity in the market in accordance with the NER. 

The PACR confirms the initial transmission investment option proposed in AEMO’s Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) published in December 2018. Of each of the credible options assessed through the RIT-T process, the option recommended in the PACR delivers the highest net economic benefits across all scenarios and sensitivities. Critically, this option is underpinned by AEMO’s Integrated System Plan (ISP), which seeks to optimise future generation and transmission development in the NEM to ensure the ongoing reliability and security of the power system, at the least cost and risk to consumers. 

Western Vic July Update Thumbnail This Project Update (334KB, pdf) published in July 2019 discusses AEMO’s preferred option for transmission investment in Western Victoria as outlined in the Project Assessment Conclusions Report (PACR). 
December update thumbnail This Project Update (523KB, pdf) published in December 2018 outlines the draft preferred option discussed in the Project Assessment Draft Report.
Thumbnail of report cover for PADR

The Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) (2.3 MB, pdf) represents step two of the public consultation process for this RIT-T. The PADR assesses and identifies the draft preferred transmission investment option which delivers the greatest net market benefits. The PADR also provides a summary of submission received on the Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR).

To inform the next phase of the RIT-T process, AEMO sought feedback on the PADR, including comments on the inputs, analysis and choice of preferred option. Non-confidential submissions on the PADR are available online. 

Please see below additional supporting documentation to the PADR: 

Thumbnail of report cover for Western Vic Renewable Integration Project Update (336KB, pdf) published in July 2018 which reported on material developments in the sector since the first report was published.
Thumbnail or report cover for Western VIC PSCR 

AEMO completed the first stage of the Western Victoria RIT-T in April 2017 and published for consultation a Project Specification Consultation Report (PSCR) (1.36MB, pdf) identifying the need for transmission network investment in the area, and potential investment options to address this need.

Non-confidential submissions on the PSCR are available online.


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