5MS Workstreams

AEMO has established the 5MS program to implement the 5MS and GS rules as one integrated program, comprising the following workstreams:

  • Procedures – to define the required changes to market procedures

    AEMO has completed the necessary procedural changes that are required to give effect to the Five-Minute Settlement (5MS) and Global Settlement (GS) rule changes.
    Through the procedures working group, AEMO identified approximately 70 procedures, policies and guides that are affected by the 5MS Rule across four functional areas. 

    These procedures were grouped into packages for consultation and each package contained the:

    • Updated procedure effective at the time of consultation, 
    • High-Level Impacts Assessments (HLIA), and 
    • Consultation history.

    For details about the amended procedures, refer to the System and Procedure Documents page. Alternatively, please email ercf@aemo.com.au or refer to Electricity Retail Consultative Forum (ERCF)

    To access the latest (live) versions of AEMO’s procedural documents, please refer to the Retail and metering page.

  • Systems – to design, develop, test, and implement changes to AEMO’s market systems

    AEMO’s Systems workstream is responsible for the design, development, testing and implementation of systems to support the changes to rules and procedures as a result of the Five-Minute Settlement (5MS) and Global Settlement (GS) initiatives. 

    The workstream will produce the required technical documentation to facilitate participant changes to systems.

    Refer to the System and Procedure Documents page for the work packages that have been developed to facilitate systems changes and consultation.

    Refer to the Industry working groups page for details about the Systems Working Group (SWG) and Industry Testing Working Group (ITWG).

  • Readiness – to coordinate, assist and prepare AEMO and the industry for the transition

    AEMO's Readiness Workstream is responsible for activities in preparation for commencement and transition to Five-Minute Settlement (5MS) and Global Settlement (GS). These activities include:

    • Market readiness strategy and planning
    • Transition and cutover execution and planning
    • Industry testing and market trials
    • Risk and contingency management
    • Readiness reporting
    • Metering service provider accreditation updates

    In addition to the Readiness workstream, AEMO has established a Readiness Working Group (RWG) to coordinate 5MS and GS readiness activities across the industry. 

    Refer to the Industry working groups page for information on the Readiness working group and the Readiness reporting page to access Readiness reporting outcomes and key dates.

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