Statistical reporting streams

The CIR contains continuous reporting streams that provide stakeholders with information on constraints and resulting network congestion that are updated regularly. The CIR is also a portal to resources providing details on particular incidents.

Annual NEM Constraint Report

AEMO uses constraint equations to model power system congestion in the National Electricity Market dispatch engine (NEMDE) and projected assessment of system adequacy (PASA). Constraint equations can have an impact on pricing and dispatch in the electricity market. AEMO publishes this summary spreadsheet annually to provide market participants with information about the changing congestion patterns over the previous five years.

This report details constraint equation performance and transmission congestion related issues for each calendar year.  

Monthly Constraint Report

The monthly constraint report details constraint equation performance and transmission congestion related issues for each month. It includes investigations of violating constraint equations, usage of the constraint automation and performance of pre-dispatch constraint equations. Transmission and generation changes are also detailed along with the number of constraint equation changes made by constraint builders.

This report has been developed in response to a submission to the congestion information resource (CIR) consultation. AEMO welcomes comments and suggestions on the content of this report from both internal AEMO staff and participants. 

Note: Historical reports can be made available on request.

NEM Weekly Constraint Library Changes Report

AEMO publishes a weekly summary of the constraint equations, sets and functions that have been added, modified or removed from the constraint library.

Please note that the Effective Date indicates the new/updated constraint is available from that date, it may not necessarily be invoked until a later time.

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