Wholesale Market Accreditation Procedures

Market Declared Wholesale Gas Market
StageFinal Report
ConvenorAEMO Gas
Accepting submissions?No
Submissions close19/08/2013

In accordance with rule 135EE of the National Gas Rules (NGR), the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is consulting on amendments to the Accreditation Procedures. The amendment to the accreditation procedures is to make:

  • Explicit AEMO’s ability to revoke accreditation and the conditions under which AEMO would revoke accreditation.
  • A number of editorial amendments need to be implemented to ensure these Procedures meet AEMO requirements for style and format of a Procedure.

The effective date for this decision is 15 business days after the final decision on 6 August 2013.


Impact and Implementation Report


No submissions were received in response to the publication of the Impact and Implementation Report.

Proposed Procedure Change - Wholesale Market Accreditation Procedures (Victoria)

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