STTM Procedures – Addition of Kurri Kurri Custody Transfer Point

Market Short Term Trading Market
ConvenorAEMO Gas
Accepting submissions?Yes
Submissions close23/07/2024

Consultation Timeline

  • IIR publication date
    2 July 2024
  • IIR consultation submissions due
    23 July 2024
  • Decision publication date
    6 August 2024
  • Effective Date of Procedures

AEMO is adding a new Lenaghan custody transfer point to the Sydney Hub, to connect the new Kurri Kurri lateral pipeline to Jemena Gas Networks distribution system, in the STTM Procedures as new clause 2.2(j), described as:

custody transfer point 10: the connection between the respective pipelines identified in Pipeline Licence No. 45 (Lenaghan to Kurri Kurri Storage Facility) and Pipeline Licence No. 8 (Killingworth to Kooragang Island) issued under the Pipelines Act 1967 of New South Wales, being the Lenaghan Receipt Point.

AEMO is undertaking an expedited Procedure change under NGR135EF to implement the STTM Procedure change as the Procedure change is considered to be non-material, being the addition of a custody transfer point. 

AEMO will determine the effective date of the STTM Procedure change with the publication of a separate Notice of Effective Date after the publication of AEMO’s Notice of Decision.

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