Consultation of ST PASA Procedure and related documents

Market National Electricity Market
StageDiscussion Paper
ConvenorAEMO NEM
Accepting submissions?Yes
Submissions close01/10/2024


  • Consultation paper published
    03 Sep 2024
  • Submissions due on consultation paper
    01 Oct 2024
  • Draft report and related documents published
    28 Oct 2024
  • Submissions due on draft report and related documents
    02 Dec 2024
  • Final report and related documents published
    Expected 10 February 2024

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Matters under consultation

In May 2022, the AEMC made the National Electricity Amendment (Updating Short Term PASA) Rule 2022 (Amending Rule) to introduce greater flexibility to the short term projected assessment of system adequacy (ST PASA), revise some ST PASA definitions and obligations and require the commencement of the new ST PASA from 1 July 2025.

The Amending Rule introduced a principles-based approach for AEMO to administer ST PASA, included an obligation to publish a ST PASA Procedure, made changes to ST PASA publication timetable, the definition of ‘energy constraint’ and PASA availability.

The PASA is a forecast of the overall balance of supply and demand and reserves for electricity. The Amending Rule responded to AEMO’s request for a new principles-based framework for the ST PASA to allow flexibility to develop and update the information in the ST PASA in a way that best meets the ‘PASA objective’ in NER 3.7.1(b).

AEMO is now consulting on a proposal to develop and publish ‘ST PASA procedures’ (Procedures) for process in accordance with the standard rules consultation procedure in clause 8.9.2 of the National Electricity Rules (NER).

Submissions are due to by 5pm AEST on 1 October 2024. Please note that submissions will be published, other than confidential material, as per AEMO’s Consultation submission guidelines.


This consultation sets out AEMO’s proposal on the content of the Procedures, in accordance with NER 3.7.3 as replaced by the Amending Rule (new NER 3.7.3). The proposal also outlines minor consequential amendments that will be required for three other AEMO documents.

AEMO has established the ST PASA Procedure and Recall Period Project under the NEM Reform Program to implement resulting system and procedure changes collaboratively with industry.

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