2015 Gas Statement of Opportunities
The 2015 Gas Statement of Opportunities (GSOO) reports on the adequacy of eastern and south-eastern Australian gas markets to supply maximum demand and annual consumption, as forecast in the 2014 National Gas Forecasting Report (NGFR), published in December 2014.
The 2015 GSOO signals ongoing shifts in consumption and supply positions in the dynamic eastern and south-eastern Australian gas markets.
AEMO expects that changes to infrastructure capacity and lower forecast consumption will result in short-term gas supply needs being met, and potential medium and long-term gaps reduced.
The Victorian Gas Planning Review (VGPR), previously published as a separate document, is now (under a 2014 AEMC Rule Change) published as an attachment to the GSOO.
Supporting information on reserves, production and transmission costs and storage facilities is available in the supporting information section
- 2015 Gas Statement of Opportunities
- 2015 Gas Statement of Opportunities – Attachment A Detailed Adequacy Results
- 2015 Gas Statement of Opportunities – Attachment B Victorian Gas Planning Review
- 2015 GSOO Methodology Document
- 2015 Victorian Gas Planning Approach
- Gas Bulletin Board Analysis (Updated 12/11/2015)
GSOO 2015 Supply-Demand modelling data files.