Gas flows and capacity outlooks

Information relating to forecast and historical gas flows, and capacity outlooks for both the short- and medium-term.

  • Forecast and actual gas flows

    The actual gas flow information for the last 31 days. All values are expressed as TJ/day and are aggregated by location into Demand, Supply and Transfers. This report is typically updated within 30 minutes of receiving new data. 

    • Storage facilities include deliveries (Supply), receipts (Demand) and the amount of gas held in storage
    • Production facilities include deliveries (Supply)
    • Compression facilities are shown as Transfers
    • Pipeline connection point flow data is aggregated in accordance with the BB aggregation methodology

    All actual historical gas flow information.  All values are expressed as TJ/day and are aggregated by location into Demand, Supply and Transfers. This report is typically updated daily.

    All actual historical gas flow information from 2018 to 2023.  All values are expressed as TJ/day and are aggregated by location into Demand, Supply and Transfers.

    All actual historical gas flow information from 2023 to 2028.  All values are expressed as TJ/day and are aggregated by location into Demand, Supply and Transfers. This report is typically updated daily.

    The pipeline connection point delivery and receipt gas flow data for all pipelines, as submitted by the facility operator, for the last 31 days. All values are expressed as TJ/day, This file is typically updated within 30 minutes of receiving new data. 

    All pipeline connection point delivery and receipt gas flow data for all pipelines, as submitted by the facility operator. All values are expressed as TJ/day. This report is typically updated daily.

    Forecast gas flows for pipelines, storage, compression and production facilities, for the next seven days. The same aggregation principles apply for Nomination and Forecasts as per the Actual Flow reports. The latest version of each forecast is shown for each facility and each gas day. All values are expressed as TJ/day. This file is typically updated within 30 minutes of receiving new data.

    All actual historical gas flows for pipelines, storage, compression and production facilities. The same aggregation principles apply for Nomination and Forecasts as per the Actual Flow reports. The latest version of each forecast is shown for each facility and each gas day.  All values are expressed as TJ/day. This report is typically updated daily.

    7-day forecast gas flows and capacity outlooks for gas pipelines, storage and production facilities. This report is produced on each day (D) for days D+1 to D+7. For each facility and corresponding nameplate capacity, of that facility, the following information is reported 

    • The capacity available using information from the short term capacity outlook submissions
    • The capacity factor, being the capacity available divided by the corresponding nameplate capacity
    • The forecast flow (or storage level) using the latest nomination information
    • The forecast utilisation, being the forecast flow divided by the capacity available 

    In addition to this facility information the following information is also included 

    • Net injections and withdrawals for each gas pipeline for each day
    • Net injections and withdrawals for each state for each day
    • Net injections and withdrawals for each state and gas pipeline for each day (for those pipelines that move gas between states)

    Folder containing the history of daily Forecast Utilisation reports.

  • Capacity outlooks

    The expected daily capacity, in TJ, for each BB facility (except large user facilities) in the 7-day outlook period. The report is typically updated within 30 minutes of receiving new data. Pipelines will provide a capacity outlook for each nameplate segment; production and compression facilities will provide a single capacity outlook; and storage facilities will provide a capacity outlook for receipt, delivery and total storage.

    All historical short term capacity outlooks. Only the latest version of each capacity outlook is shown for each facility and each gas day. The report is typically updated daily.

    Details of any activity expected to affect the daily capacity, in TJ, for each BB facility (except large user facilities) in the next 12 months. The report will show any future data that has been submitted (i.e. facilities can choose to show longer than the required 12-month window). The report shows the start date of any capacity reduction, the end date and the expected capacity. Outside of the start date and end date, each facility is expected to be able to achieve the nameplate capacity. The report is typically updated within 30 minutes of receiving new data.

    Historical medium term capacity outlooks. Only the latest version of each capacity outlook is shown for each facility and date range. The report is typically updated daily.

    A 36-month outlook of uncontracted capacity for pipelines, storage, production, LNG import and compression facilities. All values are expressed as TJ and represent a daily average quantity across a month. Information is typically updated monthly, and any new information will generally be updated within 30 minutes.

    Historical uncontracted capacity outlooks for pipelines, storage and compression facilities. Only the latest version of each months uncontracted capacity is available. This report is updated each month. 

    The current operational status for pipelines and compression facilities, shown as either Green, Amber or Red. This information is updated within 30 minutes of a new submission and shows for the current day and two days into the future. 

    History of the operational status for pipelines and compression facilities, shown as either Green, Amber or Red. This report shows all updates to the status. This historical information is updated daily.

    The maximum capacity of each connection point, in TJ/day, associated with pipelines and compressions facilities. Updates to this information are rare, but must be reviewed at least annually.

    The maximum daily capacity, in TJ, of a BB facility under normal operating conditions. Updates to this information are rare, but must be reviewed annually. The following nameplate ratings are reported

    • Production, LNG import, LNG export and compression facilities report a single nameplate capacity
    • Storage facilities report three nameplate capacities
      • Maximum withdrawals from storage
      • Maximum injections into storage
      • Maximum quantity that can be held in storage
    • Pipelines report one or more nameplate capacities representing segments and directions of gas flow on the pipeline. Each segment is defined by a receipt location and a delivery location.

    A history of the nameplate ratings for each facility.

  • Compliance reports

    Returns any missing actual flow data from the last 31 days.

    Returns any missing nomination/forecast flow data from the last 31 days.

    A record of late submissions from the last 31 days. 

    A record of late submissions from the last 31 days.

    A record of all submissions that contain Nil quality against the gas flow. This indicates that data wasn’t available and needs to be updated.

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