Engaging on the Allowable Revenue process

AEMO is committed to working with industry stakeholders throughout the allowable revenue process.

The key activities for the Allowable Revenue process are outlined below.

In addition to the public consultation process required by the Economic Regulation Authority (ERA), AEMO engages in various stakeholder forums to ensure we provide transparency on the process, timely updates on progress and information about upcoming projects. Some of these include:

  • WA Electricity Consultative Forum (WAECF);

  • WA Gas Consultative Forum (WAGCF);

  • Market Advisory Committee (MAC);

  • Gas Advisory Board (GAB);

  • WEM Reform Implementation Group (WRIG); and

  • Western Australian Advocacy for Consumers of Energy and the Expert Consumer Panel (WA-ACE and the ECP).

For WA WEM or GSI meeting dates, please visit the web page: Industry meetings calendar and select Western Australia.   

Your feedback

AEMO aims to actively seek and take on board feedback as part of its consultation processes. This includes feedback on how we can improve the ways in which we engage with stakeholders under the allowable revenue processes.

For any feedback or questions regarding the allowable revenue process please contact us at: WA.MarketDevelopment@aemo.com.au

Current projects, consultations and key documents

Current projects

In March 2024, AEMO submitted its second in-period proposal under its sixth Allowable Revenue period for the consideration of the ERA. The proposal has been submitted under section 2.22A.12 and 2.22A.13 Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules, whereby AEMO is required to make an in-period proposal where it forecasts a shortfall 10% or $10 million (whichever is lower). AEMO’s proposal applies to the 2025-26 financial year and is for the WEM only, with no GSI uplift requested.

The submission can be found on the ERA’s website.

An overview of AEMO’s submission was provided to the WA-ECF on 6 March 2024, with the presentation published under the Key Documents section below.

AEMO endeavours to ensure its funding and budget processes are as transparent as possible, and welcomes questions and feedback via email, or through meetings with Market Participants and Industry groups. Further information is provided in the Your Feedback section above.

Key documents

Previous AEMO submissions

All Allowable Revenue Papers, including ERA’s Guideline to inform the Australian Energy Market Operator’s funding proposal and any public submissions to AEMO’s proposal are available on the ERA’s web page: Allowable Revenue and Forecast Capital Expenditure Determinations.

This web page also includes papers from previous years on the allowable revenue process.

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