Tolerance Ranges

In accordance with clauses 2.13.16 and 2.13.17 of the Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Rules, AEMO may determine a Tolerance Range to apply to all Facilities for the purpose of AEMO’s reporting of breaches of clause 7.10.1, or a provision of section 3.21, to the Economic Regulation Authority.

AEMO must consult with Rule Participants prior to setting the Tolerance Range and at least 14 Business Days prior to the date a changed Tolerance Range becomes effective, they must publish on the WEM website:

  • submissions received from Rule Participants;
  • the Tolerance Range; and
  • the effective date for the commencement of the Tolerance Range.

Tolerance Range applied

Based on the consultation process, AEMO has decided to set the Tolerance Range as proposed, and has therefore determined that the following Tolerance Range will apply from 20 July 2018:

(a) For Scheduled Facilities, the Tolerance Range is:

TR (MW) = (+/-) MAX (6, MIN [5% NPC, 4*RR])


  • NPC is the nameplate capacity of the Scheduled Generator, expressed in MW, using the value set in Standing Data [Appendix 1(b)(ii)]; and
  • RR is the ramp rate of the Scheduled Generator, expressed in MW/min, using the value set in Standing Data [Appendix 1(b)(v)].

(b) For Semi-Scheduled Facilities, the Tolerance Range is:

TR (MW) = (+) 6

(c) For Demand Side Programmes, the Tolerance Range is:

TR (MW) = (+) MAX (6, 5% MCL)


  • MCL is the maximum amount of load that can be curtailed by the Demand Side Programme, expressed in MW, using the value set in Standing Data [Appendix 1(h)(iii)].

(d) For all other Facilities:

TR (MW) = 0

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