Financial Consultation Committee

MarketNational Electricity Market Meetings

Funded by market participants to support the delivery of the electricity and gas objectives, AEMO recognises our responsibility to be economical and to use resources prudently and effectively, and to be transparent and accountable.

The Financial Consultation Committee (FCC) was established in 2021 to improve transparency around the development of AEMO’s budget and fees and our financial health and performance. 

The FCC’s primary purpose is to:

  • assure stakeholders of AEMO’s balance sheet health and provide financial transparency 
  • build stakeholder confidence in AEMO’s financial management and commitment to being cost-effective
  • build stakeholders’ confidence that AEMO is maturing its financial management, governance, accountability and transparency
  • grow stakeholders’ understanding of the budget and fee impacts of AEMO’s evolving roles and responsibilities. 

Members of the Financial Consultation Committee

The FCC’s membership represents AEMO’s breadth of stakeholders, including government, industry and consumers across the jurisdictions in which AEMO operates. Suitably qualified representatives from market participants are nominated by the energy industry associations. Current members include:

Energy Network Australia representatives:

  • Ms Nadine Lennie, CFO, TransGrid
  • Mr Peter Price, Executive General Manager Engineering, Energy Queensland

Clean Energy Council representatives:

  • Mr Brendan Flynn, Executive Manager, Financial Controller – Pacific Blue
  • Mr Tim Peters Executive General Manager Finance and Strategy, Hydro Tasmania

Australian Energy Council representatives:

  • Ms Rachel Richardson, CFO, Engie Australia and New Zealand
  • Mr Chris Opperman, CFO, EnergyAustralia 

Consumer organisation representatives:

  • Ms Katrina Porteus, Director Strategy and Corporate, Energy Consumers Australia
  • Mr. Mark Grenning, Director Policy and Regulation, Energy Users Association of Australia

Government representatives:

  • Ms Jess Young, Director Energy Markets and Network, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
  • Mr William Durrant-Whyte, Manager National Energy Coordination, Strategy and Implementation, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

Records of FCC meetings

2023/24 Records

2022/23 Records

2021/22 Records

2020/21 Records

For more information, please contact

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