AEPC_2024_15 Determination of Market Schedules

Market Wholesale Electricity Market (WA)
StageFinal Report
ConvenorAEMO WEM
Accepting submissions?No

The Consultation Process

The consultation process is outlined below. Dates are indicative only and subject to change.

Process Stage Date

Publication of Procedure Change Proposal  

31 October 2024

 Closing date for submissions on Procedure Change Proposal

28 November 2024

Publication of Procedure Change Report

6 January 2025

Proposed commencement of amended Procedure

6 January 2025

Procedure Change Proposal

Wholesale Electricity Market Rules – Clause 2.10

Date of Notice: 31 October 2024

Matter under Consultation

AEMO commenced the Procedure Change Process to propose amendments to the Determination of Market Schedules WEM Procedure as a result of the Frequency Co-optimised Essential System Services (FCESS) Cost Review Amending Rules.

Energy Policy WA published the FCESS Cost Review Amending Rules, which sought to reduce costs incurred in the FCESS market. The Amending Rules are intended to reduce FCESS costs that have increased under the Security Constrained Economic Dispatch market, in comparison to similar services in the Balancing Market, prior to 1 October 2023.

  • Amendments as a result of the FCESS Cost Review Amending Rules included:
  • Amendments to clarify that AEMO will produce scenarios in accordance with the amended clauses 7.8.4 and 7.8.6A of the WEM Rules.
  • Removal of the requirement to produce scenarios under clause 7.8.6(a) of the WEM Rules.
  • Amendments to include reference to “Available Capacity Scenario” (where applicable).
  • Amendments to replace “Market Schedules” with “Pre-Dispatch Schedules” and “Week-Ahead Schedules” (where applicable), in response to amendments to clauses 7.8.6 and 7.8.6A of the WEM Rules.

AEMO considered that the proposed amendments to the Procedure would ensure consistency with the Amending Rules.

AEMO also took the opportunity to make the following minor amendments:

  • A new definition for Underlying System Load has been added to the WEM Procedure to replace the use of Operational Demand and Forecast Unscheduled Operational Demand. This ensures consistency with the WEM Procedure: Essential System Service Quantities.
  • Amendments to scope of the WEM Procedure to include reference to a requirement of the WEM Rules that is captured under the WEM Procedure, but was inadvertently not listed in previous revisions.

Invitation to Make Submissions

AEMO invited written submissions on the Procedure Change Proposal, including any alternative or additional proposals that may improve the procedure or better meet the Wholesale Market Objectives in section 122(2) of the Electricity Industry Act 2004 (and clause 1.2.1 of the WEM Rules).

Respondents were asked to identify any parts of their submission that they wished to remain confidential, explaining why. AEMO noted that it may still publish that information if it does not consider it to be confidential, but would consult with the relevant respondent/s before doing so.


Before the closing date for submissions, respondents were invited to request a meeting with AEMO to discuss the issues and proposed changes raised in the Procedure Change Proposal, stating why a meeting was necessary or desirable.

AEMO noted that, if appropriate, meetings may be held jointly with other stakeholders. Subject to confidentiality restrictions, AEMO generally makes details of matters discussed at meeting available to other stakeholders, and may publish those details

Closing Date and Time

Respondents were advised that submissions in response to this Procedure Change Proposal should be sent by email to,to reach AEMO by 5.00 pm (AWST) on 28 November 2024.

All submissions must be in electronic format (pdf or Microsoft Word). Submissions should use the Procedure Change Submission form available on this page.

AEMO is not obliged to consider submissions received after the closing date and time. Any late submissions should explain the reason for delay and the detriment to you if AEMO does not consider your submission.


Respondents were advised that all submissions are published on AEMO’s website. Confidential information is not published, other than as specified above. 


No submissions were received. 

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