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[EventId:202409261545_confirmed] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 15:45 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1605 hrs on 26 September 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 15:45.
In accordance with Market Notice 118459 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202409261605_confirmed] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 16:05 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1605 hrs on 26 September 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 16:05.
In accordance with Market Notice 118463 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202409261600_confirmed] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 16:00 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1605 hrs on 26 September 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 16:00.
In accordance with Market Notice 118462 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202409261555_confirmed] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 15:55 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1605 hrs on 26 September 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 15:55.
In accordance with Market Notice 118461 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202409261550_confirmed] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 15:50 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1605 hrs on 26 September 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 15:50.
In accordance with Market Notice 118460 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
[EventId:202409261540_confirmed] Prices for interval 26-Sep-2024 15:40 are now confirmed
Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 1605 hrs on 26 September 2024
PRICES ARE NOW CONFIRMED for trading interval 26-Sep-2024 15:40.
In accordance with Market Notice 118458 AEMO has reviewed this trading interval and determined that:
- Manifestly Incorrect Inputs did not apply
Prices remain unchanged.
This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
CHG0098660:Telstra Melbourne Indial (03 9609 XXXX-XXXX)
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Completed
Change Type: Normal
Service/Component: Cisco IP Phone
Change Title: Telco Outage Notification - Telstra Melbourne Indial (03 9609 XXXX-XXXX)
Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
Minimum System Load 1 (MSL1) in the VIC Region on 27/09/2024
AEMO has detected that there is an elevated risk of insufficient demand to maintain a secure operating state in the Victorian region from 1300 hrs 27/09/2024 to 1330 hrs 27/09/2024.
Minimum regional demand is forecast to be 1879 MW at 1330 hrs, and the advisory threshold is:
o MSL1 - 1915 MW
o MSL2 - 1415 MW
o MSL3 - 915 MW
MSL events are forecast when forecast regional demand is less than the relevant MSL threshold. The forecast regional demand is below the MSL1 threshold.
Refer to NEM Data Dashboard to monitor demand levels:
AEMO is seeking a market response.
An insufficient market response may require AEMO to take action or intervene to maintain power system security in Victoria. This may result in action such as the direction of scheduled production units, curtailment of non-scheduled production units, and/or a direction to maintain regional demand above required MSL threshold, in both Victoria and South Australia.
AEMO Operations
Network Augmentation Commissioned - NSW Region - 24/09/2024
Network Augmentation Commissioned - NSW Region - 24/09/2024
At 1535 hrs Buronga - Redcliffs X1 220 kV line has been commissioned.
Manager NEM Real Time Operations