Market Notices

114475MARKET INTERVENTION10/02/2024 04:36:24 PM

Update - Direction - SA Region - 04/02/2024


Update - Direction - SA Region - 04/02/2024

Refer Market Notice 114458

The AEMO intervention event that commenced from interval ending 1635hrs on 04/02/2024 is continuing.

AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114472RESERVE NOTICE10/02/2024 02:43:22 PM

STPASA - Update of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the NSW Region on 13/02/2024


The Forecast LOR1 condition in the NSW region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 114455 has been updated at 1430 hrs 10/02/2024 to the following:

[1.] From 1530 hrs 13/02/2024 to 1700 hrs 13/02/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1400 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 1196 MW.

[2.] From 1730 hrs 13/02/2024 to 1800 hrs 13/02/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1400 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 1359 MW.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114458MARKET INTERVENTION09/02/2024 04:04:43 PM

Update - Direction - SA Region - 04/02/2024


Update - Direction - SA Region - 04/02/2024

Refer Market Notice 114245

The AEMO intervention event that commenced from interval ending 1635hrs on 04/02/2024 is continuing.

AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114455RESERVE NOTICE09/02/2024 02:41:13 PM

STPASA - Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the NSW Region on 13/02/2024


AEMO declares a Forecast LOR1 condition under clause 4.8.4(b) of the National Electricity Rules for the NSW region for the following periods:

1. From 1730 to 1800 hrs 13/02/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1612 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 1517 MW.

2. From 1830 to 1900 hrs 13/02/2024.
The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 1703 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 1656 MW.

AEMO Operations
114451GENERAL NOTICE09/02/2024 12:28:32 PM

NEM Local Temperature Alerts for SA, VIC from 09 Feb 2024 to 13 Feb 2024


AEMO's weather service provider has issued forecast temperatures equal to or greater than the NEM Local Temperature Alert Levels for listed weather stations below.

Port Augusta Ap (39+ Deg C): 11th Feb, 12th Feb

Mildura Ap (39+ Deg C): 12th Feb, 13th Feb

The NEM Local Temperature Alert Levels are:

Launceston Ti Tree Bend: 33 Deg C, Dalby Airport: 37 Deg C, for all other selected weather stations: 39 Deg C.

AEMO requests Market Participants to:

1. review the weather forecast in the local area where their generating units / MNSP converter stations are located and,

2. if required, update the available capacity in their dispatch offers or availability submissions consistent with the forecast temperatures.

Further information is available at:

AEMO Operations Planning
114446MARKET INTERVENTION08/02/2024 05:14:11 PM

Update - Direction - SA Region - 04/02/2024


Update - Direction - SA Region - 04/02/2024

Refer Market Notice 114245

The AEMO intervention event that commenced from interval ending 1635hrs on 04/02/2024 is continuing.

AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
114444RESERVE NOTICE08/02/2024 02:55:09 PM

STPASA - Cancellation of the Forecast Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the NSW Region on 13/02/2024


The Forecast LOR1 condition in the NSW region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No. 114378 s cancelled at 1400 hrs 08/02/2024.

No LOR condition is currently forecast in the STPASA period.

AEMO Operations
114437GENERAL NOTICE08/02/2024 10:20:20 AM

NEM Local Temperature Alerts for SA from 08 Feb 2024 to 12 Feb 2024


AEMO's weather service provider has issued forecast temperatures equal to or greater than the NEM Local Temperature Alert Levels for listed weather stations below.

Port Augusta Ap (39+ Deg C): 11th Feb, 12th Feb

The NEM Local Temperature Alert Levels are:

Launceston Ti Tree Bend: 33 Deg C, Dalby Airport: 37 Deg C, for all other selected weather stations: 39 Deg C.

AEMO requests Market Participants to:

1. review the weather forecast in the local area where their generating units / MNSP converter stations are located and,

2. if required, update the available capacity in their dispatch offers or availability submissions consistent with the forecast temperatures.

Further information is available at:

AEMO Operations Planning
114420MARKET INTERVENTION07/02/2024 04:01:24 PM

Update - Direction - SA Region - 04/02/2024


Update - Direction - SA Region - 04/02/2024

Refer Market Notice 114245

The AEMO intervention event that commenced from interval ending 1635hrs on 04/02/2024 is continuing.

AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
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