Market Notices

117124NON-CONFORMANCE24/06/2024 08:20:17 PM

NON-CONFORMANCE Region QLD1 Monday, 24 June 2024


NON-CONFORMANCE QLD1 Region Monday, 24 June 2024

AEMO has declared the following unit as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:

Unit: MPP_1
Duration: 24/06/2024 19:30 to 24/06/2024 20:20
Amount: -42 MW
Constraint: NC-Q_MPP_1

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117122RESERVE NOTICE25/06/2024 01:22:27 PM


The MTPASA result published on 25 June 2024 identifies no Low Reserve Conditions.

This MT PASA has been updated to reflect the sub regional demand allocations that were revised as part of the Update to the 2023 ESOO published in May 2024.
This MT PASA run also includes energy limits in the LOLP run to align with the latest MT PASA Process description.

Please note that MTPASA informs the market of potential reliability issues to allow the market to respond in the first instance, potentially avoiding the need for any AEMO intervention.

For further information, please refer to:

This notice supersedes Market Notice 117028 published on 18 June 2024.

As part of a broader process of implementing the reliability standard, AEMO runs the Medium Term Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (MTPASA) process weekly to forecast expected unserved energy levels over a two year period. If the expected annual unserved energy exceeds the maximum level specified by the Reliability Standard, a Low Reserve Condition is identified.

For more information about how AEMO implements the reliability standard, please view the Reliability Standard Implementation Guidelines (RSIG) available on AEMO's website at

117121MARKET SYSTEMS24/06/2024 05:25:07 PM

CHG0090646 | Completed | Production | Planned maintenance affecting the AEMO Market Network.

Change Number: CHG0090646

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: Market Network

Change Title: Planned maintenance affecting the AEMO Market Network.

Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
117120MARKET INTERVENTION24/06/2024 02:53:37 PM

Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - Intervention trading intervals - Direction SA region 23/06/2024


Cancellation - AEMO Intervention Event - Intervention trading intervals - Direction SA region 23/06/2024

Refer Market Notice 117109

The AEMO Intervention Event and all associated directions are cancelled from 1455 hrs 24/06/2024

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117118MARKET INTERVENTION24/06/2024 02:57:55 PM

Direction - SA region 24/06/2024


Direction - SA region 24/06/2024

In accordance with section 116 of the National Electricity Law, AEMO has issued a direction to a participant in the SA region. For the purposes of the National Electricity Rules this is a direction under clause 4.8.9(a).

The direction was necessary to maintain the power system in a secure operating state.

AEMO may issue or revoke additional directions in order to meet the current requirement, unless sufficient market response is provided. A further market notice will be issued when all directions related to this requirement have been cancelled.

The issue of the direction commences an AEMO intervention event. AEMO declares all trading intervals during the event to be intervention trading intervals, commencing from the interval ending 1505 hrs on 24/06/2024.

Intervention pricing does not apply to this AEMO intervention event.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117116MARKET INTERVENTION24/06/2024 02:23:39 PM

Update - Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA region


Update - Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA region

Refer AEMO Electricity Market Notice 117114

The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA from 0000 hrs 25/06/2024 will be inadequate to maintain a secure operating state in SA .

AEMO estimates that, in the absence of sufficient market response by 1500 hrs 24/06/2024, AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction requiring one or more SA synchronous generating unit(s) to operate or remain synchronised to maintain power system security in SA.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117115MARKET SYSTEMS24/06/2024 01:57:11 PM

CHG0090585 | Completed | Production | Dispatch Applications Upgrade

Change Number: CHG0090585

Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed

Change Type: Normal

Service/Component: EMMS - Dispatch

Change Title: Dispatch Applications Upgrade

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
117114MARKET INTERVENTION24/06/2024 01:42:16 PM

Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA Region


Possible intervention to manage power system security in SA Region

The synchronous generating units currently expected to be synchronised in SA from 0000 hrs 25/06/2024 will be inadequate to maintain sufficient system strength in SA and hence a secure operating state.
AEMO may need to intervene by issuing a direction requiring one or more SA synchronous generating unit(s) to operate or remain synchronised to maintain power system security in SA.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
117113NON-CONFORMANCE24/06/2024 07:00:21 AM

NON-CONFORMANCE Region QLD1 Monday, 24 June 2024


NON-CONFORMANCE QLD1 Region Monday, 24 June 2024

AEMO has declared the following unit as non-conforming under clause 3.8.23 of the National Electricity Rules:

Unit: MPP_2
Duration: 24/06/2024 06:40 to 24/06/2024 07:00
Amount: 19 MW
Constraint: NC-Q_MPP_2

Auto-generated on behalf of Manager NEM Real Time Operations
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