Market Notices

116622PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW15/05/2024 06:50:19 AM

[EventId:202405150655_review] Prices for interval 15-May-2024 06:55 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 0650 hrs on 15 May 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 15-May-2024 06:55.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
116621PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW15/05/2024 06:45:18 AM

[EventId:202405150650_review] Prices for interval 15-May-2024 06:50 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 0645 hrs on 15 May 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 15-May-2024 06:50.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
116620PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW15/05/2024 06:40:23 AM

[EventId:202405150645_review] Prices for interval 15-May-2024 06:45 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 0640 hrs on 15 May 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 15-May-2024 06:45.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
116619PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW15/05/2024 06:35:21 AM

[EventId:202405150640_review] Prices for interval 15-May-2024 06:40 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 0635 hrs on 15 May 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 15-May-2024 06:40.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
116618PRICES SUBJECT TO REVIEW15/05/2024 06:30:15 AM

[EventId:202405150635_review] Prices for interval 15-May-2024 06:35 are subject to review


Issued by Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd at 0630 hrs on 15 May 2024

PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW for trading interval 15-May-2024 06:35.

AEMO is reviewing these prices in accordance with:
- Clause 3.9.2B of the National Electricity Rules for Manifestly Incorrect Inputs

This is an AEMO autogenerated Market Notice.
116616RESERVE NOTICE14/05/2024 06:24:48 PM

Cancellation of Actual (LOR1) condition in the Qld Region - 14/05/2024


Cancellation of Actual (LOR1) condition in the Qld region - 14/05/2024

The Actual LOR1 Condition in the Qld Region advised in AEMO Electricity Market Notice No.116615 is cancelled at 1815 hrs 14/05/2024.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
116615RESERVE NOTICE14/05/2024 05:43:15 PM

Actual Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the QLD Region on 14/05/2024


Actual Lack Of Reserve Level 1 (LOR1) in the QLD region - 14/05/2024

An Actual LOR1 condition has been declared under clause 4.8.4(b) of the National Electricity Rules for the QLD region from 1730 hrs.

The Actual LOR1 condition is forecast to exist until 1800 hrs.

The forecast capacity reserve requirement is 830 MW.
The minimum capacity reserve available is 727 MW.

Manager NEM Real Time Operations
116614MARKET SYSTEMS14/05/2024 02:41:56 PM

CHG0089066 | Production | Dispatch Applications Upgrade

Change Number: CHG0089066
Notification issued to: Market Notice
Notification Type: Initial

Change Type: Normal
Service/ Component: EMMS - Dispatch
Change Title: Dispatch Applications Upgrade
Change Start Date & Time: 22/05/2024 08:00:00 AEST
Change End Date & Time: 24/05/2024 17:30:00 AEST
Outage Start Date & Time:
Outage End Date & Time:

Environment: Production

Participant Impact and Requirements:
Under this change , AEMO will upgrade the NEMDE solver used in Production for Dispatch, 5-Minute Predispatch, Predispatch and PD7 to a new version. AEMO will also upgrade other relevant applications for Dispatch ,5-Minute Predispatch ,Predispatch, PD7 and PASA as part of the Integrating Energy Storage Systems project (IESS). This change will become effective upon rule commencement on 3 June, 2024.

No outage required.

Support Information:
Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or call 1300 236 600.
Please refer to for any
planned/unplanned maintenance activities.
116612MARKET SYSTEMS14/05/2024 01:59:17 PM

CHG0089716 | Completed | Production | MSATS Particiant Server Maintenace

Change Number: CHG0089716
Notification issued to: Market Notice

Notification Type: Completed
Change Type: Emergency

Service/Component: MSATS - Market Settlement & Transfer System
Change Title: MSATS Particiant Server Maintenace

Support Information: Report any impacts to the AEMO Information and Support Hub or on External 1300 236 600.
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