FY2024 budget and fees consultation

Market All Energy Markets
StageDraft Report
ConvenorAEMO Stakeholder Engagement
Accepting submissions?No

This consultation has now closed. For AEMO’s final FY24 Budget and Fees please visit our Energy market fees and charges page. Responses to this consultation are included below.

Having a strong and stable system and market operator – now and in the future – is an essential investment in Australia’s energy future. AMEO’s annual budget reflects the costs associated with the functions and services it provides for each of the segments in which it operates, and the revenue requirements (realised through fees and charges paid by industry participants) to fund this work.

AEMO's annual budget reflects our committed program to deliver on our core functions and responsibilities and strategic initiatives, as outlined in the corporate plan. The fee schedules and rates for participants in the electricity and gas markets outline how AEMO recovers its costs within each market segment.

As part of its budget development stakeholders are invited to consider the draft FY2024 budget as part of a broader consultation exercise prior to its finalisation.

The draft budget is also shared with AEMO’s Financial Consultation Committee (FCC), which supports the development of AEMOs budget, fees and corporate plan priorities. Iterations of the budgets and fees are reviewed by AEMO’s Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (FRAC), including consideration of stakeholders’ views obtained through the consultation process. Final review and approvals are by AEMO’s board.

However, please note the following revenue requirements and fees have been set through other budget and review processes:

  • the revenue requirement and fees for Victoria’s Transmission Use of System 
  • the revenue requirement for West Australia’s Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) and Gas Services Information functions (which are determined by the Economic Regulation Authority)
  • AEMO Services Limited’s budget, which has specific funding arrangements to recover the cost of activities performed for NEM jurisdictions and which is approved by its independent board.

The FY2024 Budget and Fees consultation survey has been developed to guide feedback around particular areas and includes a free text area for you to contribute feedback freely. A Microsoft Word version of the survey is also available below, if your responses require approval by your organisation.

You can email your approved survey responses to us in Word or PDF directly to us at StakeholderRelations@aemo.com.au or translate to the survey.

If you are interested in attending a webinar about the draft FY2024 Budget and Fees, please register your interest.

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