Stage 5 - Construction

The Connection Applicant will undertake detailed design work and will construct/modify their facility.

During construction, and prior to applying for registration, the Connection Applicant must finalise and forward to the connecting Network Service Provider (NSP) and AEMO:

  • Technical data as described in the Generator Connection R1 Submission Checklist.
  • Updated model package, including simulation models and associated design data.
  • Energy conversion model (ECM) data for wind farms and solar farms (semi-scheduled plant) (see Documents checklist below for templates relating to your connection type).
  • Commissioning program – must be agreed with the connecting NSP and AEMO at least three months (for transmission connections) and one month (for distribution connections) before commissioning starts.

If there are material changes to the simulation model or other aspects of system design, AEMO and the connecting NSP need to review and reassess the agreed performance standards.

The Connection Applicant should also consider registration requirements, including:

  • Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) requirements.
  • Obtaining a National Metering Identifier (NMI) from the connecting NSP.
  • Demonstrating the capability of the facility to achieve its performance standards.

Roles and responsibilities summary

AEMO/NSP: receives updated data and other information from the Connection Applicant.

Connection Applicant: undertakes detailed design work, updates and finalises data (such as ECM and commissioning programs) and forwards it to the connecting NSP and AEMO, and considers registration requirements.

Related guides and policies

At this stage you may find the following document useful:


  For more information, you can email:

  Transmission and distribution connections (NEM advisory) Email us

  Registration Email us


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